In this episode, Tom Spitale, Mary Abbazia, and Sean Welham reflect on pivotal 2023 events impacting B2B. Tom spotlights Disney+’s subscriber surge, urging B2Bs to explore direct-to-consumer ads. Mary delves into Taylor Swift’s IP mastery, emphasizing debundling for B2B innovation. Sean explores Barnes & Noble’s return to intimacy, championing human connections in a digital era.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you should consider D2C advertising for B2B visibility
  • How you can Innovate through debundling, a la Taylor Swift
  • Why you should Prioritize human contact for enduring B2B success.

Here are some quotes from the team’s discussion:

  • “D2C might be your B2B game-changer”
  • “Debundling sparks B2B innovation”
  • “Human contact is the premium in B2B transactions.”

We hope you enjoy the discussion and gain some helpful insights.