
    Should You Practice Surge/Dynamic Pricing?

    This episode focuses on the trend of surge/dynamic pricing - the practice of charging more when demand is higher and vice versa. Just because technology gives unprecedented power to suppliers to match price with demand, should they do it? The team discusses the pros and cons of this variable pricing strategy -- when circumstances warrant it, and when to be cautious about the approach.
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    The Rise of Subscription-Based Pricing Approaches

    This season's discussion of trends continues with a growing phenomena: replacing traditional pricing models with subscription-based pricing. The group discusses why subscription models can make sense in many types of B2B and B2C businesses, which situations are best for the concept, and the "watch-outs" for sellers considering the approach. Listen and decide if you should be consider this trendy pricing strategy!

    Is Pricing Based on Customer Value Even Possible?

    People who understand value-based pricing know that it's a powerful strategy. So why don't more companies implement? Many think its not possible to accurately measure value from the customer's viewpoint. So they default to cost-based or competitor-based pricing approaches. The group concludes that those who think value can't be measured are wrong, and they are missing a huge opportunity to price better!

    How To Get The Price You Deserve

    Many business people believe that pricing based on value-delivered is impossible. So they set price based on cost and/or competitor's approach and either over-charge or leave money on the table. In this episode, the team of Mary, Sean and Tom demonstrate an approach that will lead you to maximizing share and profits through state-of-the-art strategic pricing strategies.